Jinglu Kong, Ruling Zhang, Xiaodie Hu, Xinze Yu, Yizhuo Wang: Responding To “ ”

Sheffield Hallam University MFA Jewellery & Metalwork  exhibition poster

13 - 15 APRIL 2023, OPEN DAILY 11AM - 7PM.

In this exhibition there are five jewellers each adding to our understanding of jewellery. Not limited strictly by the function they use jewellery as a means to present individual concepts that discuss a range of contemporary concerns.

Gerasimova et al.(2021) presented the idea that jewellery at all times is the way in which it was possible to demonstrate the worldview to other people. This means people who wear jewellery are communicating their thoughts to the world.

Contemporary jewellery has personal and social-cultural values that cannot be overlooked. Both the people who create the jewellery and the people who wear it are responding. The 5 artists give our response to the question “What else could be done with jewellery”? The results are full of surprises, fun and unexpected creativity.

The exhibition begins with a mirror with a string of pearls. Through the mirror, each person can have a personalised response to  the jewellery.

We invite you to turn on the camera and let the pearls become a necklace, a brooch, an earring, or even an entire body ornament.

We look forward to creating more possibilities with you, to make jewellery that is not only functional and decorative, but also conveys emotions and ideas. Seeing everyone with jewellery and letting everyone see the world through jewellery.

Bloc Projects