Graham Turnbull: Sheffield Atmospheric Observatory

Take a deep breath and head into town to see the world's first city wide, PM2.5 sensitive lighting installation. Air pollution, specifically PM2.5 pollution is constantly in the press for its myriad health effects. In Sheffield there are official measurement stations in very few locations. PM2.5 is measured along a diagonal line that goes from Dore in the South West to Tinsley in the North East.  I wanted to know what air pollution was like at my children’s school and that was measured too but the data was averaged over a month and the data was always months old when it was published. Over four years ago I started building PM2.5 pollution sensors and found people in different parts of Sheffield to host them. Air pollution is then measured where people live, work and learn. The data is sent to me every two minutes and over the years I have tried to find ways to present this data in a way that engages people. This is my latest attempt.

Bloc Projects