Here/There: Charlotte Dawson

24 March - 2 April

Launch event: Wed 23 Mar, 6-8pm

Free & open to all


Here/There presents a body of work developed since 2020 during the artist’s time in residence with Abingdon Studios, Blackpool, on the second iteration of their Work/Leisure residency.

The sculpture series playfully reflects on the form of the dining plate and the many disparate connections associated with the object. Ranging between the commemorative and functional, souvenir and decorative, the plates resonate with specificities of affect and location. As the residency took place remotely for most of 2020, the works of Here/There are informed by Charlotte’s visits to Blackpool as well as her Sheffield studio.

The works also poses questions of authenticity. Rather than ceramic, each piece is produced in jesmonite through a casting process. The material dissociates the plates from functionality to (re)present them as sculpture. Ceramic plates for decoration, plates with surfaces too ornate to eat from and disposable or mass produced plates: their various statuses are evened out by the smooth, singular material, inviting us to consider how we use this form to create meaning.


Charlotte Dawson is an artist living and working in Sheffield. Her practice explores how ordinary objects act as physical harbourers/remnants of experiences. In particular, she is interested in the mass produced and the ways it transcends into the deeply personal. She engages with ideas of a collection and often works in multiple using casting or fabrication. Through repetitive action and hand-produced series, Charlotte questions the purposes and meanings given to commonplace objects by those who use or treasure them.


Here/There has been supported by Arts Council England through a successful National Lottery Project Grant. The exhibition is delivered in partnership between Bloc Projects and Abingdon Studios. The artwork included in the exhibition is commissioned by Abingdon Studios, Blackpool as part of Work/Leisure 2 (2020). Supported by Arts Council England's Emergency Response Fund.


This project is an external hire. For more information about how to hire our space visit our ‘hire’ section.