Culture Club: Lactofermenting workshop, hosted by Sean Roy Parker

Wednesday 14 March, 6 – 8pm

Salon 18
Free & open to all

Bloc Fermenting Workshop-9718.jpg

Join us for a Lactofermenting workshop, hosted by artist Sean Roy Parker marking the launch of Bloc’s brand new Public Programme; ‘Salon 18’.

‘Eating hyper-processed foods leads to nutrient deficiency, physical lethargy and increased plastic waste. Fermenting foods reverses these effects and more! Cheap, easy and good for your gut, this DIY session will give you all the basic knowledge to get started.’

Sean Roy Parker (b. 1988, Kent) is a visual artist and social worker based in London. He studies human attitudes towards waste, material lifecycles and feelings towards the Anthropocene. Capitalising on surplus and antipathy, he distributes playful composites like chutneys, sculptures and pamphlets locally and globally through exchange. Parker is a current associate of School of the Damned and delivers collaborative workshops to fringe communities under PEFA Projects.

Salon 18 forms part of Making Ways, a new programme supported by Sheffield Culture Consortium through Arts Council England to showcase, celebrate and develop the exceptional contemporary visual art produced in the city.

Images by Peter Martin