An Evening of Two Halves by Rebecca Davies

Wednesday 16 May, 6 – 8pm

Salon 18

Free & open to all

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‘An evening of two halves’ : Rebecca will share her work in the first half of the evening, discussing the celebrations and challenges of working in community contexts. How we come together, and why it’s not always easy.

Then over a cold beer and large Wigan Salad, you’re invited to take part in a Worker’s Live Drawing. Part performance and part live drawing event, revellers will be catapulted into a temporary working men’s club where they will learn a whole array of non-typical drawing and recording techniques and are invited to be a part of the mise-en-scene..

Rebecca is an artist with a participatory practice that involves illustration, performance and event.
She has run outreach and participation projects with Turner Contemporary, South London Gallery and led the Whitechapel Community Workshops for over three years. Rebecca has collaborated with Eva Sajovic for 8 years in Elephant and Castle. They started The People’s Bureaua skills exchange in the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre, collaborating with organisations such as the Latin American Workers Association, LCC, Siobhan Davies Dance and Tate Modern.

The People’s Bureau was recently made an associate of Tate Exchange. Rebecca and Eva’s film Unearthing Elephant, made with writer Sarah Butler received the AHRC film award for Research in film.  Her project, The Oasis Social Club, was selected to represent Great Britain during the Mons European Capital of Culture 2015 and completed a tour of Stoke On Trent, Preston and Hull, funded by Art Council England.  Rebecca now lives in Stoke On Trent where she collaborates with artist Anna Francis and residents of Portland Street on The Portland Inn Project.

Salon 18 forms part of Making Ways, a new programme supported by Sheffield Culture Consortium through Arts Council England to showcase, celebrate and develop the exceptional contemporary visual art produced in the city.

Images by Peter Martin